Today is Wednesday, 23rd
January. Students begin at the school on Monday, 4th
February – thats 12 days from now. Currently we have 1 of the 4
classrooms painted, 3 with window frames in, none with doors. None of
the windows have any glass in them. The verandah needs the floor
cemented, as do the 4 sets of steps from verandah to playground. The
water tank is in, but we don't as yet have the 100 m of pipe to take
the water to the toilets. On the subject of the toilets, the toilet
block roof was started today, and the plumber will come on Friday or
Saturday to fit the pans. The kitchen got its ring beam today, and
needs 3 more courses of bricks and then a roof. The grounds have been
cleared by a grader, but need a big cleanup to remove bricks and
building rubble, as well as some landscaping and some playground
equipment – netball and soccer goals and a swing and
On the staff front, we have 2 teachers
and a bursar, and are waiting on a possible third teacher to confirm
whether or not he will take the position – sorting it out with his
wife and getting some advice from the pastor. If he declines the
offer, we have another person in mind who we will offer it to – she
just doesn't have quite as much experience as our first choice.
On the kids front, we have a little
over 30 registered at the moment, and are hopeful of a few more
before we get underway.
Our other need is not one we can do
anything about. Umeme, the power company, dug a hole for the required
pole on Saturday, 12th, came and put the pole in
yesterday, but we are still waiting for the all important wires. Then
the office can really become one, not dependent on charging computers
back at the house using the inverter running on solar power. And I
can plug the fridge in to keep a few cold things.
Sometime after that I would like to get
our solar hot water unit setup and running, although I do really
enjoy the cooling effect of the cold shower after a big days work.
Anne is doing an awesome job of juggling head Teacher duties - meeting prospective parents, working with the teachers and bursar, as well as painting window frames, sorting myriad stuff to prepare for students, and still preparing delicious meals for us. I'm running between being painter, purchaser and courier for all required building materials, and as of today the roofing contractor.
Lots of fun. Hope we get through it all.
God bless you both in this amazing venture. Looking forward to seeing it in action some time. Think of you often.