Day two: God is good. It has been a great day full of God's goodness to us. We really enjoyed going to a Vineyard church in Canterbury. We had planned this part of the holiday with going to a Vineyard church in mind. It was so nice, it felt like being at home without the people we know! A great service, we even understood everything! A really good sermon on Ephesians 5 and God's love for us and our response to what He has done for us. It was so refreshing for us, even met a lovely lady in the break and she asked if she could pray for us! It was very special, though there were quite a number of times when some actions needed to be suppressed, like saying 'Amen', or dancing or clapping at the end of prayer or...
Then, another visit to a supermarket - never thought these things would be so novel! Cornish pasties for lunch, quick visit to a couple of other shops to get a phone card and internet. Interesting conversation with the lady in the shop who would love to do what we are doing if she could afford to, so genuinely interested. Then, a lovely drive through some beautiful countryside.
More pleasant driving and a stop at Sandwich, a really quaint English town, saw (from a distance) where the British Open was played and searched in vain for a nice open cafe for a cup of tea. On to Ramsgate, a very different place on the water. It was much more touristy and in many ways more Australian with much more open spaces and types of houses. A nice drink and nachos on the waterfront. Then, on back to the hotel. A lovely relaxing day, full of knowing love, being loved and loving seeing so many different things of beauty.
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