Monday, October 15, 2012

Finishing off at this stage

Without this man, Robert - none of it would have been possible. This is the view from the buildings.
Well, we are now homeward bound, or should I say traveling to our other home. It has been a hectic four weeks but one that just reinforces our sense of God's call on our lives to Uganda. It amazed us how quickly we were able to fit back in, and our only regret is not having had time to spent with people and a few people we did not catch up with.
Ron with some of the village children

Sewing kits from Sew Blessed for the children involved in learning to sew.
So, where are we up to? It was a frantic last few days in some ways and we were able to interview a number of other prospective teachers. We always know that you cannot anticipate what will occur
Florence the new bursar - our first employee
on any day and this was especially true in our last days. A great example is when I was waiting for the sign writer to come and had to answer the gate about four times, each time to someone I did not know but they wanted to see me. This included a prospective teacher! We had been feeling it would be good to have a male teacher and so who should come but one who seems like he might be a goer! This was Wednesday, our last full day. It started with another interview with someone who exuded love for children, love of God and passion for teaching. We have been unable to catch her referee yet so the appointment is not confirmed. We also interviewed another lady from our church who we thought would be ideal but
New bathroom - just needed cleaning!
discovered that personality wise she would be terrific, great faith but her giftings were definitely in a different area, no worries we believe the interview was meant to be. As mentioned the  sign writer came and hopefully the sign outside the school will be up in the next day or two. We confirmed the appointment of the bursar, she has the phone with the school number. So, we have two teachers we think will be good and a bursar, with other  possible teachers and the registration process under way. We met
The lounge room from the kitchen before moving in.
the inspector of schools and for the sake of registration and starting point it looks like I will be the head teacher! Application forms have been printed and are given to the appropriate people for distribution. On Wednesday we moved into our new house! Yes, we made it and it is just so lovely. We awoke and looked out through the sitting room on the beautiful view. We had lovely cold showers, and have all the stuff ready. There are still a few things, the solar hot water is ready to go but needs to have something built for it to go on, a little bit of floor needs the Lino tiles put down, the solar electricity needs to be fixed, case of putting the power to the wrong place, no problem just lack of experience. We will have other power but it had not been connected yet, the electrical surveyor was meant to come Wednesday but there was no sign of him before we left, never mind. 
The school buildings are moving well with the walls all up to ring beam, the latest photo I have is from Tuesday. Tuesday we had the opportunity to celebrate with the workers on the building. I love the fact that things can be organized quickly.
Where the school building was up to on Tuesday
We had always intended to have a dinner on Tuesday but I had not done what was needed, ringing Lucy as it turned out! So, Tuesday I got on to her, she came on boda, took some money, bought the supplies and the cooked a fantastic dinner of rice, chips, sensational pork and chicken and cabbage on two
Our wonderful workers enjoying a great dinner and new work uniform
charcoal stoves and a fire for what ended up being 18 people, because of course there are always a few extras. It was a lovely time and we we able to give them all a new fluoro top. This time orange in keeping with the school colours! Time of sharing faith and vision with them and appreciating the work and each other. 
Wednesday night in order not to disrupt the children too much with school and the little ones, as well as the fact that we will be back soon, we avoided the big farewell. Instead we had dinner at home and then took ice creams down to the village to share with the children and to have devotions with them. Of course it was lovely, we so treasure these times with the children and really do love them so much. It was lovely too that Pastor George from Abundant alive came and shared with us. We were given lots of precious notes for us and some for others to take home. So nice that it is not long until we see them again with our tickets booked for 28th December.
Books bought with money donated by Year 7 and 8 students at MECS
The new sports uniform, a skirt for girls with shorts attached underneath!
 Sorry, for delay in postings we have been busy being parents, children and grandparents as well as friends and today teachers, since we got back.

1 comment:

  1. Once again Anne I want to thank you for your blog. What can I say but.......God is awesome. God bless you 2 .
